Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > FIA Intermodal Pairs

The French built FIA Intermodal Paired Flats were built in the early 1990s.

377-354 - Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Malcolm - Blue
377-354 - Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Malcolm - Blue
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
377-350 2008 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Seawheel - Green  33 70 4938 713-3 [SWLU4513498+SWIU9652450]
377-350A 2010 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Seawheel - Green  33 70 4938 710-9 [SWLU4513453+SWIU9652414]
377-351 2008 Intermodal Pair - Black + 45ft Containers - Axis - Grey  31 70 4938 002-3 [AXIU7164574+AX716309]
377-351A 2010 Intermodal Pair - Black + 45ft Containers - Axis - Grey  31 70 4938 004-3 [AXIU7164511+AX716370]
377-352 2008 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Seaco - Blue  31 70 4938 113-8 [SCZU1489226+SCZU1476056]
377-352A 2010 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Seaco - Blue  31 70 4938 110-4 [SCZU1489241+SCZU1476007]
377-353 2012 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Malcolm Logistics - Blue  33 70 4938 716-6 [WHMU4500441+WHMU4500098]
377-353A 2019 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Malcolm Logistics - Blue  33 70 4938 537-6 [WHMU4500101+WHMU4500800]
377-354 2010 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Malcolm - Blue  31 70 4938 410-3 [WHMU4500159+WHMU4500204]
377-355 2012 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - DHL - Yellow  33 70 4938 535-0 [DZ7003+DZ5143]
377-356 2012 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Blue - SAMSKIP  33 70 4938 324-9 [ANU7988680+SANU7990373]
377-365 2012 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - 2XL - Purple  33 70 4938 717-4 [XXLU1362230+XXLU1362734]
377-366 2012 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - Blue - Geest  33 7 04938 130-2 [GNSU4515460+GNSU5977484]
377-368 2019 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - ASDA - White  33 70 4938 523-6 [WHMU4508815+WHMU4508118]
377-369 2019 Intermodal Pair - Green + 45ft Containers - MAERSK SEALAND + MAERSK LINE- Grey  33 70 4938 202-9 [MSKU4548600+MSKU4671018]