Charting the world of Post-1948 British Diesel-Era Ready-to-Run models....

BACHMANN > Freight Stock > Cattle Vans

One thousand three hundred 8T Diag 1/353 Cattle Vans were built by BR Swindon from 1951-54.

BR 8T Cattle Van

373-260 - BR 8T Cattle Van - BR Bauxite
373-260 - BR 8T Cattle Van - BR Bauxite
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-260 2009 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite  B893343
373-260A 2011 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  B893111
373-260B 2012 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  B893023
373-260C 2016 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Early)  B893603
373-262 2011 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B893085
373-262A 2012 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B893268
373-262B 2016 8 ton Ale Van - BR Bauxite (Late)  B893429
373-270 2011 8 ton Cattle Van - BR Bauxite (Early) [W] B893582+B893401+B893177
Set of Three

LMS 12T Cattle Van > Ex-Farish Model

Five hundred LMS Designed Diag 1/350 Cattle Vans were built by BR between 1949-50.

373-251 - LMS 12T Cattle Van - BR Bauxite
373-251 - LMS 12T Cattle Van - BR Bauxite
Ref No Year Wagon/Livery Running No
373-251 2002 12 ton Cattle Wagon - BR Bauxite  B891416
Also Included in Set 370-175
373-251A 2004 12 ton Cattle Wagon - BR Bauxite  B891419